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  • Exciting Gameplay Story in Metro Exodus

    Tempo: Jan. 28, 2019

    Metro Exodus Steam Key starts two years after the Metro Last Light events in 2036. You will play the role of Artyom again and follow him with his wife Anna in search of a better life in the East.

    Escaping from Moscow is not an easy task, since there are all sorts of strange and wonderful creatures, such as mutated lobsters, and hostile humans to fight with, in addition to a rather relentless landscape. You'll travel with the Spartan Rangers heading east, away from the harsh nuclear winterin the metro, aboard a locomotive called Aurora, your new hub.

    Also, we do not know how Artyom's story will end. What we do know is that the best game features of the previous games have been improved and that the audio plays a more important role than ever.

    In Metro Exodus Steam Key, there is always a delicate combination of survival, secrecy, horror and ego shots. This is not a completely open world game, but there are many unscripted areas to find where you need to memorize your controls in order to react quickly and efficiently.

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